Category: Articles

  • Which tech companies are taking AI risk seriously?

    Which tech companies are taking AI risk seriously?

    Tech companies are locked in an all-out race to develop and deploy advanced AI systems. There’s a lot of money to be made, and indeed, plenty of opportunities to improve the world. But there are also serious risks — and racing to move as quickly as possible can make detecting and averting these risks a…

  • has finally released a risk evaluation policy. How does it measure up? has finally released a risk evaluation policy. How does it measure up?

    Big news: the AI coding startup has released a new risk evaluation policy this week. Referred to as their “AGI Readiness Policy” and developed in collaboration with the nonprofit METR, this announcement follows in the footsteps of Responsible Scaling Policies (RSPs) released by companies like Anthropic, OpenAI, and Google Deepmind. So how does it…

  • Why has Cognition fallen behind the industry standard for AI Safety?

    Why has Cognition fallen behind the industry standard for AI Safety?

    Amid fierce debates surrounding AI safety, it’s easy to forget that most disagreements concern what particular risks we face and how to address them. Very few people will try to argue that there are no risks or that serious caution isn’t warranted. In light of this, there is an emerging consensus among policy experts (and…

  • Why are AI employees demanding a “right to warn” the public?

    Why are AI employees demanding a “right to warn” the public?

    This week, another warning flag was raised concerning the rapid progress of advanced artificial intelligence technology. This time, it took the form of an open letter authored by current and former employees at some of the world’s top AI labs — and cosigned by leading experts including two of the three “godfathers of AI.” This…

  • How financial interests took over OpenAI

    How financial interests took over OpenAI

    How did an idealistic nonprofit, hoping to ensure advanced AI “benefits humanity as a whole,” turn into a $82 billion mega-corporation cutting corners and rushing to scale commercial products? In 2015, OpenAI announced its existence to the world through a post on their blog. In it, they write: “OpenAI is a non-profit artificial intelligence research…

  • How AI Chatbots Work: What We Know, and What We Don’t

    How AI Chatbots Work: What We Know, and What We Don’t

    AI chatbots (such as Anthropic’s Claude and OpenAI’s ChatGPT) have already transformed our world. On the surface, they appear remarkably capable of friendly, natural conversations. But below the surface lies sophisticated artificial intelligence driving their abilities, and a great deal of uncertainty about exactly how they work and what they are capable of. In this…

  • Are AI companies using copyrighted data?

    Are AI companies using copyrighted data?

    The current era of training large AI models requires three fundamental requirements: advanced algorithms, advanced computer chips, and a lot of data. This last component has become a sticking point for AI companies in recent years, including OpenAI, Anthropic, Meta, and Google. These companies have essentially hovered up the entire internet in their fight to…

  • How can you distinguish human-made content from AI-generated content?

    How can you distinguish human-made content from AI-generated content?

    AI-generated content is everywhere on the web. Videos, images, art, writing, and recently even music created by AI have become increasingly prevalent. How will we continue to distinguish real from fake? The short answer is that it’s hard, and there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that certain common features or deficiencies…

  • Will AI take my job? How AI automation could impact employment

    Will AI take my job? How AI automation could impact employment

    Exploring the likely impacts of AI on human labor As artificial intelligence continues to make significant progress, many people are beginning to wonder about their own job security. We’ve considered this a fair amount, and our simplest answer is: virtually every job in today’s economy has a significant potential to be automated within the coming…

  • What are AI Companions and how could they cause harm? 

    What are AI Companions and how could they cause harm? 

    Here’s What you should know about Replika’s privacy policy. One of the main ways that everyday people use AI today is in the form of “chatbots.” These are AI systems that are fluent in written language and who communicate with the user through a traditional direct messaging interface — if you’ve used OpenAI’s ChatGPT or…